WENWEN Protocol Liquidity Mining Instructions
WENWEN seeks to be the first stablecoin protocol to implement two design principles, namely the creation of a highly scalable, trust-free, extremely stable, ideologically pure on-chain currency. the WENWEN protocol is a dual token system consisting of multiple stable WENWEN tokens (USDN,JPYN,EURN ….) and a governance token, WENWEN Share (SHAREN). The protocol also has a contract pool of collateral, and the pool can be added or removed by governance.
WENWEN Protocol Liquidity Mining Instructions
一、Participate in vault fundraising for token collection
1.1 Go to https://wenwen.money/genesis and click on Claim to receive token
- 2 Note: participate in invest wbtc vault fundraising are available
1.3 If not participate can wait for the next issue, at the same time can enter the discord https://discord.gg/FKBKAbft or follow twitter for attention to understand wenwenprotocol https://twitter.com/
二、 Add liquidity in uniswap V2 ( that V2 transactions and LP are in V2)
2.1. Go to the UniswapV2 page at https://app.uniswap.org/#/pool/v2
2.2. Add tokens on the swap page, click manage token lists to manage the list, and enter:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wenwenprotocol/tokenlist/master/wenwen.tokenlist.json
2.3 You can find the list of wenwen tokens, click on the right side to turn on the display ON, then enter the POOL page, click ADD v2 liquidiity
2.4. After entering, you can search for the corresponding tokens directly
2.5 Find the portfolio token for adding liquidity and add liquidity(SHARE/USDN SHARE/EURN SHARE/JPYN )
三、Pledge Uniswap V2 LP, for Mining
3.1 Add creation is complete go to https://wenwen.money/app Collateral Flow LP
3.2 Pledge is complete and waiting to be mined
In addition to the pledge lp bonus, you can also receive dividends
Go to https://wenwen.money/genesis Receive dividends (right click claim)
Every even hour, according to the number of Share,Stable coins held by the user, the user can get the corresponding bonus
Take USDN as an example.
If USDN is higher than 1, USDN will be incremented when claim is made and given to the user with Share.
USDN is lower than 1, when claim is made, additional shares will be issued to the user holding USDN
About WENWEN Protocol
Token-list: https://tokenlists.org/token-list?url=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wenwenprotocol/tokenlist/master/wenwen.tokenlist.json